Office Address:

12440 Firestone Blvd, Suite 105, Norwalk, CA 90650 (For mailing purposes ony)

Office Number:

(562) 661-7455

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Providing compassionate & Trauma-Informed care

Therapeutic Services

Providing 1:1 confidential therapy sessions that help individuals explore and understand their thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Its a collaborative approach between the therapist and the client/patient. It helps the individual learn and practice tools to better manage life problems and emotional distress. It is important to know that the duration of treatment is all up to the client/patient, and its essential to not compare your journey to others, as we all have different ones.

Providing counseling services to intimate partners that are committed to making the relationship work, to enhance their relationship, to learn patterns and how they interact with one another, understand how to resolve conflict, to learn tools in how to effectively communicate with one another and more.

Providing counseling services to individuals within the family to help them learn tools to manage conflict and emotional distress. Therapy can help provide mediation between family members. Therapy can help all individuals learn dynamics, what continues to reinforce issues, and also how to take care of the individual self within the system.

According the U.S. Department of Affairs and The national Center for PTSD, "About 5 out of every 100 adults (or 5%) in the U.S. has PTSD in any given year. In 2020, about 13 million Americans had PTSD."

According to Mental Health Foundation, "In 2022/23, an average of 37.1% of women and 29.9% of men reported high levels of anxiety
Compared to data from 2012 to 2015, this has increased significantly from 21.8% of women and 18.3% of men reporting high levels of anxiety."

According to Pan American Health Organization & World Health Organization, "In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, major depressive disorders increased by 35% and anxiety disorders by 32%"

Meet the founder of:

B.A.R.E. Holistic & Wellness Therapy, Inc.

CEO, Owner & Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #121121

Lets get informed

Common Myths about Mental Health

MYTH: Why are you crying?" You are so weak for crying, I thought you were strong, just suck it up."

FACT: Crying is a healthy way of releasing emotions, its a coping mechanism, just like running, exercising, screaming etc.

Crying actually has many benefits such as decreasing stress in the body by releasing stress hormones, which can improve, emotional and physical well-being since you are reducing stress levels, and we all know stress can be even dangerous for some medical conditions, if not all.

MYTH: Only major events or life threatening situations can be traumatizing.

FACT: I first want to start with, whatever is traumatic for one person, may not be for the other, vice versa. Of course major events such as accidents, combat, assault etc., can do doubt be traumatizing but is not limited to just those.

In fact, it can involve the pandemic alone, hearing or witnessing something on the news, losing a loved one, and much more.

MYTH: You can tell by just looking at someone's appearance that they are either healthy or sick.

FACT: I cannot stress enough how untrue that statement is. There are many individuals that are battling mental health or even medical conditions but you cannot tell from just looking at them. You may see someone at work laughing, making jokes, or always "happy" but in fact, they go home and cry, or can be battling a terminal illness.

That also goes to show that if someone has a specific body type it does not mean you can tell if they are "healthy" or not, because reality is we all come in different shapes and sizes and health is not just determined by the shape and size.

Do you have any questions?

If you like to know more, contact us now for a free 15 minute consultation